Important information about our prints

Please note that our prints are supplied un-framed. Our site depicts the prints in simple black frames with a white bevelled matt, but these are not supplied and are shown for effect only.


Prices are inclusive of VAT.
Shipping within the UK is a flat rate of £6.


Delivery within mainland UK is typically between 5 and 7 days.

Print sizes

The available print sizes shown on each product page are the actual 'image' sizes. The printed sheet is is rectangular, while the actual printed image is square, with the image central to the sheet.  The overall print size allows for a black border of 1". This permits the purchaser and their framer to decide on how much blank border to show when using a matt for framing. The following table shows the printed sheet size for the respective available images:

Image SizeSheet Size





16" x 12"

20" x 16"

24" x 20 "

30" x 30"

Simply have your framer cut away the unrequired material. 

Print material

All of our images are archival quality, giclée fine art semi-gloss prints.  Even though the paper is very strong, it should be handled with care - ideally with cotton gloves. Take care not to bend the paper, although it can be lightly rolled. 
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